Diseases that Harm Require Therapies that Harm Less

---Sir William Osler(1849-1919)
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ISMIVS Newsletter July&August, 2022

Newsletter 2022 Jul & Aug
About Us 国际微无创医学会简介
The International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery (ISMIVS, previously known as International Society of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine) was founded in July 2013 at the gala of the 1st Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine in Chongqing, China. ISMIVS envisions to accelerating the progress in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine by promoting research, education, communication, and international collaboration.
国际微无创医学会(ISMIVS)是在 2013 年 7 月在中国重庆召开的第一届国际微无创医学长江高峰论坛上宣布成立的,旨在通过学术研究、教育、交流以及国际合作加快微无创医学的发展。
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The Personality in the Medical Education World 医学教育界的大人物
From the 2020 July issue of our ISMIVS Newsletter, we would like to introduce some pioneers in the field of minimally-invasive and noninvasive medicine. They are not only prestigious in their field but also willing to share their experience and ideas with younger doctors, hence making a great contribution to medical education. This issue features Dr. Relly Yanuari Primariawan from Indonesia who is engaged in the field of minimally invasive gynaecological surgery.
从 2020 年 7 月刊开始,国际微无创医学会将为大家介绍微无创医学领域的一些领军人物。他们不仅在各自的领域享负盛名,而且非常乐意与年轻医生分享他们的经验、理念和想法,从而为医学教育做出了巨大的贡献。本期月刊要介绍的是印尼微创妇科手术领域的医学专家Relly Yanuari Primariawan医生。

Dr. Relly Yanuari Primariawan
Medical staff of Fertility Endocrinology Reproduction Division
Department of Obsgyn of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital
Medical School of Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
印尼泗水市艾尔朗加大学Dr. Soetomo综合医院
Relly Yanuari Primariawan医生

President of Indonesia Gynaecological Endoscopy Society (IGES)
Endoscopy Task Force of Indonesian Obstetrician & Gynecologist Association
Chairman of Indonesian Permanent Contraception Organization (PKMI) East Java (Surabaya) Branch

Dr. Relly Yanuari Primariawan is an experienced specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He studied in Medical School of Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia as a general practitioner Obstetrician & Gynecologist from 1986 to 2001,and acquired the diploma in advanced endoscopic surgery at the Kiel School of Gynecological Endoscopy, University Hospital Schlewig Holstein, Kiel, Germany.
Dr. Relly Yanuari Primariawan是一位经验丰富的妇产科专家。1986年至2001年,他在印度尼西亚泗水艾尔朗加大学医学院学习,担任全科医生和妇产科医生,并在德国基尔石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因大学综合医院基尔妇科内窥镜学院获得高级内窥镜手术的文凭。

He has published dozens of SCI papers on fertility and laparoscopy, and has been invited to chair or deliver speeches at numerous global symposiums, including being the Chairman of the 19th APAGE Congress at Surabaya. In addition, he is actively involved in academic events as a professional member of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), Indonesian Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Association (POGI), Asian Pacific Association of Gynecology Endoscopy (APAGE), and Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE). Now, he is President of Indonesia Gynaecological Endoscopy Society (IGES), 2022-2026.

Dedicated to preserving women’s fertility, he has led multiple scientific research programs on the management of different gynaecological disorders, such as pregnancy and my worm disease with severe preeclampsia complications, anaemia & heart failure.
Read his article:
News 新闻
2022 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Series Webinars
暨 2022 年高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)系列线上研讨会(AIH 2022)
Episode 3: Treatment for vulva and cervical diseases: new options
第 3 期:治疗外阴和宫颈疾病的创新选择

The 3rd episode of 2022 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Series Webinars, themed "Treatment for vulva and cervical diseases: new options", was successfully held on July, 21st. This episode, chaired by Dr. Peng-Teng Chua and Prof. Felix Wong, shed light on new options for treating vulva and cervical diseases.
7 月 21 日,AIH 2022 第三期研讨会成功举办,本次研讨会的主题为“治疗外阴和宫颈疾病的创新选择”,由黄胡信教授(中国-亚太地区微创妇科肿瘤协会主席)和 Peng-Teng Chua 医生(马六甲仁爱医院)担任会议主席。研讨会为治疗外阴和宫颈疾病提供了新思路。
The seminar was joined by Prof. Chyi-long Lee, Prof. Li Chengzhi, Prof. Apolikhina Inna Anatolievna and Dr. Teterina Tatiana, and Prof. Kuan-Gen Huang. In opening remarks, Prof. Chyi-long Lee, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of APAGE, stressed the significance of the Webinars in sharing knowledge and experience and delivering the latest development in gynaecology and expressed his sincere hope for a fruitful event.
演讲嘉宾包括李奇龙教授、李成志教授、Inna 教授和 Tatiana 医生,以及黄宽仁教授。APAGE 董事会主席李奇龙教授在开场致词中,提到了本系列研讨会具有促进知识、经验分享以及探讨妇科方面的最新进展等重要意义,并表达对会议圆满举办的诚挚祝福。
Prof. Li Chengzhi from Chongqing Medical University discussed focused ultrasound surgery (FUS) as a new way to treat high-risk HPV infection and CIN. At first, she introduced the principles and characteristics of FUS and stressed its advantages in real-time monitoring and dose adjustment, and then made a detailed presentation on the application of focused ultrasound in HR-HPV infection and CIN, including the indications and contraindications, preparation before the treatment and how to carry out the therapy. She also shared some clinical observations of FU therapy for cervical diseases and compared FUS with laser, drug and other therapies. At last, she showed some cases and the pathological changes in the cervix before and after FUS, reaching the conclusion that focused ultrasound can safely and effectively treat HR-HPV infection and cervical lesions.
重庆医科大学的李成志教授探讨了聚焦超声手术在治疗高危 HPV 感染和宫颈上皮内瘤变中的应用。她首先介绍了聚焦超声治疗的原理与特点,着重强调了聚焦超声治疗实时监控、调整强度的优势,随后详细介绍了聚焦超声手术在治疗高危 HPV 感染和宫颈上皮内瘤变中的应用,涵盖了适应症与禁忌症、术前准备以及手术方法等内容。除此以外,李成志教授还分享了聚焦超声手术治疗宫颈疾病的临床观察,对比了聚焦超声治疗与激光、药物等治疗方法。最后,教授分享了病例和聚焦超声治疗前后宫颈的病理变化,并提出聚焦超声能够安全有效地治疗高危 HPV 感染和宫颈病变。
Prof. Apolikhina Inna Anatolievna and Dr. Teterina Tatiana, from National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.I. Kulakov, shared their experience with HIFU treatment for non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of the vulva. Prof. Inna mentioned that lichen sclerosis was observed at a higher incidence rate in younger women in recent years. She compared HIFU treatment with fractional laser and emphasized the advantages of HIFU in the alleviation of symptoms and improvement of sexual function. She also shared an observational study including 103 patients with non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of the vulva who received HIFU treatment and showed some clinical cases.
Inna 教授和 Tatiana 医生(库拉科夫国家妇产围产医学研究中心)分享了关于高强度聚焦超声治疗(HIFU 治疗)外阴上皮内非瘤样病变的经验。Inna 教授提到,近年来萎缩性苔藓发病率增高,女性平均发病年龄降低。她比较了 HIFU 治疗与点阵激光两种治疗方式,着重强调前者在缓解症状和改善性生活体验方面的优势。随后她分享了一项基于 103 名患有外阴上皮内非瘤样病变的女性接受 HIFU 治疗的观察性研究,并展示了部分临床病例。
Prof. Kuan-Gen Huang, president of the Taiwan Association for Minimal Invasive Gynecology discussed the HPV vaccine beyond cervical cancer. Prof. Huang raised that vaccine was the most minimally invasive treatment for cancer. After giving an introduction to human papillomavirus (HPV), he focused on the prevention of cervical cancer and mentioned that HPV vaccination is the primary prevention of cancer, as the cause of cervical cancer is the persistent infection of HPV, which finally leads to pathological changes. He also mentioned that there were many other HPV-associated cancers, including vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, anal cancer and penile cancer.
台湾妇产科内视镜暨微无创医学会理事长黄宽仁教授探讨了宫颈癌防护与宫颈癌疫苗。黄教授提出疫苗是真正的无创治疗。他首先简要介绍了人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV),在此基础上引入宫颈癌的预防,并且提出因为宫颈癌是由 HPV 的持续感染,最终引起病理变化导致的,所以宫颈癌疫苗是预防宫颈癌的首选。同时,他也强调HPV会引发其它癌症,包括外阴癌、阴道癌、口咽癌、肛门癌和阴茎癌。
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Episode 4:Adenomyosis and Fertility & Consensus on HIFU Treatment
第 4 期: 子宫腺肌症与生育&关于HIFU治疗的共识

Episode 4 kicked off on August 18 is a successful conclusion to the 2022 APAGE-ISMIVS Series of HIFU Webinar that provided clinical application scenarios and up-to-date research insights for gynaecologists worldwide to explore more minimally invasive and noninvasive therapies.
第四期会议于 8 月 18 日晚完美落幕,为 2022 年 APAGE 与 ISMIVS 联合 HIFU 系列研讨会画上了一个圆满的句号。HIFU 系列会旨在为世界各地的妇科医生提供临床应用实践场景和最新研究洞察,从而帮助他们探索微无创疗法的更多知识。
For the 2022 Series, we presented 4 webinars focusing on the management of 4 different gynaecological disorders to nearly 500 global attendees. We appreciate all the guests for taking the time with us and sincerely hope the lectures dedicated by our speakers will somehow bring innovative ideas to you.
2022 年 HIFU 系列研讨会共召开四期,聚焦四类不同妇科疾病的治疗,吸引全球近 500 名参与者。在此,我们想对所有的来宾表示由衷的感谢,并诚挚地希望演讲嘉宾的精彩呈现能够激发各位观众的兴趣和灵感。
Prof. David Cranston, the President of ISMIVS and the Emeritus Associate Professor of Surgery in the Nuffield Department of Surgical Science, University of Oxford, said in his opening speech that ISMIVS and APAGE have been working together to break the geographical barriers in the post-pandemic era, taking the HIFU series as a starting point to promote the popularization and development of minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, and have made remarkable achievements in scientific education, academic exchange and global development. He looked forward to communicating with fellow physicians in the near future on the advances in this field.
ISMIVS 主席,牛津大学纳菲尔德外科部荣誉教授 David Cranston 在致辞时表示,国际微无创医学会在后疫情时代与 APAGE 携手打破地域隔阂,以 HIFU 系列研讨会为起点不断推动微无创医学技术的科普和发展,在科学教育、专家交流和全球发展方面取得了不俗的成就,希望在不久地将来能够与各位医师同僚面对面对话微无创医学领域的种种进步。
Prof. Rudy Leon De Wilde, Head of the University Clinic for Gynecology of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany, first introduced the evolution of surgery from open surgery based on anatomy to minimally invasive surgery based on laparoscopic technique, then to extracorporeal noninvasive procedure based on imaging anatomy. He elaborated on clinical and social advantages of HIFU including no incisions, shorter hospital stay, uterine function preserved, life quality improvement, no scars, etc. He also indicated adverse events that might occur in the near-field region after HIFU, and concluded that in future, adenomyosis treatment by HIFU would be qualified to give patients a chance to protect their uterus.
德国欧登堡大学医学和健康科学学院附属妇科医院院长 Rudy Leon De Wilde 教授首先介绍了外科手术的演变,从基于解剖学的开放手术到基于腹腔镜技术的微创手术,再到基于影像解剖学的体外无创手术。随后,他从临床医学和社会生活两个方面解读了 HIFU 治疗的优势,包括无切口、住院时间短、可保留子宫功能、提高生活质量、无疤痕等。他还指出了 HIFU 术后可能发生在病灶消融区域的不良反应,并总结道,HIFU治疗子宫腺肌症终将得到广泛认可,帮助妇女保卫子宫。
Dr. Sevellaraja Supermaniam (S. Selva), Head of the IVF Centre and HIFU Centre at a private hospital in Melaka, Malaysia, shared treatment options for infertility patients with adenomyosis based on his rich clinical experience, and case studies of 3 types of adenomyosis that keen on pregnancy requiring HIFU therapy, including patients who have frozen embryo, keen on spontaneous pregnancy, and still single. He concluded that for women with adenomyosis who have difficulty in conceiving especially after failed IVF, HIFU is a good option to shrink the adenomyosis before frozen embryo transfer.
马来西亚马六甲仁爱医院辅助生殖中心兼HIFU中心主任 Selva 医生以其丰富的 HIFU 临床经验为基础,分享了针对腺肌症不孕患者的治疗方案,并对三类有生育需求、需要 HIFU 治疗的子宫腺肌症患者进行了病例分析,包括冷冻胚胎、希望自然怀孕和目前未婚的患者。他总结道,对于子宫腺肌症患者,尤其是在试管婴儿失败后难以怀孕的妇女,HIFU 是进行冷冻胚胎移植前缩小腺肌病灶的良好非手术方法。
Dr. Hsin-Hong Kuo, Deputy Secretary General, APAGE, first introduced the pathological mechanism and classification of adenomyosis, as well as applicable treatment options, then shared the surgery video of adenomyomectomy under laparoscopy to detailed the skills and tricks during the surgery.
APAGE 副秘书长郭信宏医生则首先介绍了子宫腺肌症的病理学机制和分型,以及可选择的治疗方法,随后分享了腹腔镜下切除腺肌症病灶的手术视频,讲解了腹腔镜手术的技巧和注意事项。
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Notice 通知
ISMIVS 2021 Annual Report is now released!
国际微无创医学会 2021 年年报正式发布!

We are glad to announce that ISMIVS 2021 Annual Report is now released.
我们很高兴地宣布,国际微无创医学会(ISMIVS)2021 年年报正式线上发布。
For 8 years and counting, ISMIVS connects people who go in for minimally invasive and non-invasive medicine to the resources they need through scientific education, global symposium, training program, up-to-date information, and community support.
自 8 年前成立以来,ISMIVS 积极整合全球资源,致力于通过科学教育、学术会议、培训项目、最新资讯和社群支持,将世界各地热衷于微无创医学的同僚们团结在一起,共促发展。
COVID-19 continued its worldwide spread in 2021, but ISMIVS was able to make a significant impact in a year filled with uncertainty. Our 2021 Annual Report includes stories about efforts we made to advocate the philosophy of minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, visions we have to get ready to the next challenging year, as well as many of the insights and analysis on the progress happened in this field globally.
受新冠疫情影响,2021 年仍是充满不确定性的一年,但 ISMIVS 并未停下前进的脚步,从一而终地为微无创医学做出重要贡献。2021 年年报不仅讲述了学会为倡导微无创医学理念所付出的努力,还展望了学会为应对下一年的挑战所做的准备,以及学会对微无创技术进展的见解和分析。
ISMIVS is proud and excited to advance our mission to create connections, empowering everyone in the ISMIVS community. Thank you for playing a crucial role in fulfilling our mission and positively impacting the medical world, we will continually strive to be responsive and accessible to the needs, challenges, and opportunities that arise, so as to deliver a global hub to all our colleagues and a harmless therapeutic way for all the patients.
ISMIVS 将“促进同僚之间的沟通与联系,赋能每位学会成员”作为其使命之一,在过去的一年里,我们很荣幸地见证到该使命得到推进。在此,我们希望感谢每位与学会息息相关的同僚,感谢你们为学会带来的积极影响,以及为推进医学进步所发挥的关键作用。我们将继续努力地回应需求、应对挑战、抓住机遇,从而为各位同僚搭建一个全球化的交流平台,也为世界各地的患者带去“伤害更小”的治疗方法。

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HIFU Special Issue 高强度聚焦超声特刊

We are delighted to announce that the International Journal of Hyperthermia, the HIFU Special Issue (i.e. Volume 38, 2021), which was partially supported by ISMIVS, was officially released in September. The Special Issue includes 15 articles written and reviewed by world-renowned scholars and pioneers in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, elaborating on the status and prospects of the clinical applications of high intensity focused ultrasound on tumours that occurred in specific organs. We'll share the 15 articles included in the upcoming newsletters, stay tuned!
High-intensity focused ultrasound ablation of liver tumors in difficult locations

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has been shown to be a valuable tool in the management of small liver tumors such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It has been shown to be a safe and effective means to ablate small HCC even in the presence of advanced cirrhosis. This review examines the challenges faced during HIFU ablation when the target tumors are located in difficult locations such as the liver dome, close to the rib cage, near large blood vessels or the heart, or adjacent to hollow viscera; and the special manoeuvres employed to tackle such lesions.
高强度聚焦超声 (HIFU) 已被证明是治疗肝细胞癌 (HCC) 等小型肝肿瘤的有价值的工具。研究证明,即使在晚期肝硬化的情况下,HIFU也能够安全有效地消融体积较小的 HCC 。本综述探讨了当目标肿瘤位于肝穹窿、靠近胸腔、靠近大血管或心脏或靠近中空内脏等困难位置时,HIFU 消融过程中面临的挑战,以及用于处理此类病变的特殊策略。
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Tech Update in Gynaecological Endoscopy 妇科腔镜技术最新进展
Effect of individualized treatment strategy on postoperative nausea and vomiting in gynaecological laparoscopic surgery: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial

This study evaluated the effect of individualized treatment strategies on postoperative nausea and vomiting(PONV) after laparoscopic gynaecological operations. A total of 119 adult patients who underwent gynaecological laparoscopic surgery under general anaesthesia were included.
In conclusion, this single-centre, double-blind, randomized study suggests that an individualized PONV prophylactic treatment strategy based on the number of PONV risk factors could be a safe and effective regimen to reduce the incidence of PONV in adult patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaecological surgery.
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+86 23 67886199 ISMIVS
www.isminim.com ISMIVS
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